If you are a marketer or a business owner, getting an understanding of your competitor’s ad strategy would be very useful for you. Although there are many tools in the market, in this article we are going to share a free tool by Google itself using which you can see and analyze your competitor’s ads on all Google platforms.
Basically Google’s purpose is to provide transparency for the ads running on its platforms, however marketers can use this as a medium to analyze their competitor’s marketing strategy. The tool is called Ads Transparency Center and below are the steps to use it:
Step 1: Go to this link Ads Transparency Center Once you land on the page, scroll down a bit and you will see below mentioned section
Step 2: In the above screenshot, you can see the icons ‘Any time’, ‘Shown anywhere’, ‘All formats’ and ‘All topics’. In the Shown anywhere filter, you can select the location. You can select the option ‘anywhere’ if you want to see all countries together or you can also select a specific country from the drop down. Similarly under ‘All formats’, you will see 3 options, ‘Image’, ‘Text’ and ‘Video’. Again you can select all or any of these formats. Refer to the screenshot below for format filter options. Similarly you can select options for other filters
Step 3: In the search bar with ‘All topics’ option, you can either mention the advertiser name or simply put their website URL. In this example I am adding Zapier, which is a great tool to integrate web applications and automate workflows. As you can see, I have selected ‘Text’ format as of now and we can see their search ad scripts which are currently running. By default, the ads are sorted by most recent
Step 4: Similarly you can select video or image ads. Sharing one more reference for Video ads which the advertiser is running on Youtube.
Step 5: You can click on any add and see the complete video as well to understand exactly how it appears on Youtube and what are the CTAs, duration and messaging
Video Tutorial
We hope this tool will be very useful for you to understand your competition’s marketing strategy. Make full use of this free tool by Google and we wish you success